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Services for Magazines Proprietors

The website of “NOOR Specialized Magazine” (Noormags) was launched in September 2005 by the attempts of Computer Research Center of Islamic Sciences in order to facilitate and promote the research with the aim of creating the largest bank of specialized journals on Islamic Sciences and the humanities.

An average of nearly 25000 visits ad day, and possession of 1300 magazines and journals in 54300 issues covering a period of time dating back to a century ago up to present time, as well as over one million articles, have made this Website a prized treasure and an appropriate ground for research.

In this regard, since the beginning of November 2014 our assiduous colleagues here have added unique capabilities to the Website, among most important cases of them mention can be made of the following:

Assigning a specific address (hyperlink) for quick access to the information of the magazines,

Managing the profile page of the magazines by the proprietors,

Providing statistical data of each magazine in a specific page such as the numbers of visits of the page, as well as numbers of download of articles (in the near future),

Creating a system for submitting new articles

We would like to appreciate magazines proprietor for their sincere assistance to Computer Research Center of Islamic Sciences in providing content for “Noormags” Website. After many years of generous free offering of the content of various magazines from this Website, which received the remarkable welcome and appreciation of the research community, the policy of NOOR Center underwent certain changes to let the proprietors achieve profitability. Therefore, from now on, the content of magazines will be offered to the users through payment of the subscription fee.

Should you need any further information, or have any comments, please do not hesitate to contact us (every day from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.)

Phone: (+98)25-32120564