The largest bank of articles on Islamic sciences and the humanities
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About Website
Noor Specialized Magazines Website is among a series of websites launched by Computer Research Center of Islamic Sciences. It is intended to identify and electronically publish specialized journals on Islamic sciences and the humanities.
It is clear that journals, today, have changed to important tools in producing, publishing, criticizing and utilizing the sciences, especially in specialized spheres.
By the entrance of the Internet to scientific information sphere, it has been possible to provide the researchers with a host number of journals using new methods.
In this regard, Noor World Network affiliated to the CRCIS, began to publish Islamic sciences and the Humanities magazines on Hawzah website in 1998. The reception by the users, on the one hand, and the increasing number of features required by the experts for their research affaires, on the other hand, made Noor World Network launch Noor Specialized Magazines Website to meet the users’ demands.
The content presented on the website is the result of non-stop work of our colleagues in the CRCIS since September of 2005. Establishing the most comprehensive and complete archive of Islamic sciences and the Humanities journals on the Internet was the reason behind launching the website.
Offering a host number magazine ranked as science-research or scientific-propagative is significant privilege of the website. The website also has collected a valuable collection of old magazines.
آزمایشگاه نورمگز
در اینجا ما یک هدف را دنبال می کنیم: شکل دادن به آینده تحقیق و پژوهش
آزمایشگاه نورمگز
- Presenting images of the journal pages
- Downloading the articles in PDF format pdf
- Standard and advanced searching through different ranges