Terms and Conditions
Dear user!
Please read the following terms and conditions carefully. Your continued use of the Website "Noor Specialized Magazines" (“the Website”) is dependent on studying and accepting all terms and conditions. If you do not accept these terms, you are not permitted to use the Website.
1. Rules governing the Website:
The Website has been designed and launched based on the current laws of the Islamic Republic of Iran and it is supported by the intellectual property and trademarks of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
2. Range of Conditions:
These terms and conditions are governing the use and the technical structure of the Website, as well as any data that has been uploaded to or made available through using this Website.
3. Permissions
Computer Research Center of Islamic Sciences (NOOR) as the Website owner, hereby gives you a non-exclusive permission to use the Website for scientific, personal and noncommercial purposes.
If you use this Website and its services or tools for doing researches, writing articles, books or dissertations or assessing articles for being published in your journal, you should mention the name of the Website in "Acknowledgement" part or in the "Research Method" of that research work, article, book, dissertation or journal.
Our recommended phrase would be as follows:
In writing/authoring/publishing this book/article/dissertation/journal/magazine/research work, I have used the Website of "Noor Specialized Journals" with this URL address: www.noormags.ir
4. Usage Restrictions
A. Each user can have a single user account; therefore, he/she must restrain from creating duplicate and fake accounts; otherwise, the Website can block that user account for a limited period or permanently.
B. Using the Website for any illegal purposes or in a way contrary to the stated terms and conditions is prohibited and the Website considers the users in these cases responsible for consequent decisions.
C. The content of the Website cannot be wholly or partly, online or offline published, translated or edited without the written permission of Computer Research Center of Islamic Sciences, as well as the owners of the works (in accordance with the laws of intellectual property).
D. Attempt to infiltrate into the Website, reverse engineering, implementation, assembly or processing of any software or technology of this Website and its subsets is prohibited and is subject to prosecution.
E. There are restrictions in the numbers of downloading sources of the Website. To read the regulations of the levels and checking the terms, visit the "Usage Guides".
F. Each pen article and work available on the Website only represents the views of its author and journal in which it was published and the Website will not be responsible for it.
G . The number of resource downloads on the site has limits, and unconventional downloads and automatic downloads of articles will block the user account. To study the method and conditions of downloading, you can refer to the help section of the database.
5. Obligations of Organizations for the Usage License.
A. All organizations and companies (i.e. parties) of the contract are obliged to give access to their users considering the limits specified in the contract for them, in a way that may be monitored and followed up. Obviously they are responsible for infringement of their users with regard to the terms defined.
Note: In the event of any breach of the terms of the agreement, the Website can unilaterally terminate the contract.
B. Access to the Website is got through specific IP’s provided by certain organizations and companies.
6. Responsibilities of Authorized Users for the Usage Permission
A. Each user is obliged to protect his/her username and password.
B. Any violation of copyright laws and the Website rules will lead to cancellation of subscription.
C. Submission of any comments against Islamic laws and regulations of the Islamic Republic of Iran is considered an infringement and the Website is allowed to delete or edit them.
7. Privacy
The Website is committed to keep your personal information confidential and to regard your privacy and makes all efforts to realize the issue. Your user and access profile registered in this Website will not be shared with others.
8. Violation of Terms and Conditions
Infringement of any of these terms and conditions is considered as the end of your right to use this Website and you are liable for compensating any damages to the Website or any likely other natural and legal persons.
9. Force Majeure and Natural Disasters
A. In case the Website becomes out of control due to natural disasters or force majeure, it will be exempted from being committed to its binding obligations for a thirty day period.
B. In case of necessity and supposing that the above-mentioned condition continues, the aforesaid period will be extended and the users will be informed of it.
10. Revision of Terms and Conditions
Hereby the users are advised that these terms and conditions are subject to revision, and then they will be at their disposal. Among the professional obligations of the users is getting information in this regard.