پاییز و زمستان 1402 - شماره 28 Ranking ب (Ministry of Science)
Corresponding Author : آجری آیسک، عاطفه ؛ Writer : محمدحسنی، صدیقه ؛
(24 page(s) - From 3 to 26 )
Keywords:غصبتصرفات ناقلهمال مغصوبتلف حکمیاسترداد عینRestitution of a specified objectConstructive destructionTransferring actsUsurpationusurped property
Corresponding Author : اسلامی نیا، قاسم ؛ Writer : فولادی، کیان ؛ پرهام مهر، حمید رضا ؛
(26 page(s) - From 27 to 52 )
Keywords:فسخمبیعآپارتمانتملیکیپیشفروشقرارداد مشارکت در ساختConstruction partnering contractRepudiation (termination or cancellation)Pre-saleobject of saleApartmentpossessory
Writer : اکبری، محسن ؛ حبیبی، محمود ؛ Corresponding Author : بزرگمهر، امیرعباس ؛
(42 page(s) - From 53 to 94 )
Keywords:تفسیر قراردادمتنگراییبافتگراییقصد عینیقصد ذهنیObjective intentSubjective intentInterpretation of ContractContextualismtextualism
Writer : بهمن پوری، عبداله ؛ صمدی، سید صدر الله ؛ قدرتی، فاطمه ؛ Corresponding Author : علیشاهی قلعه جوقی، ابوالفضل ؛
(29 page(s) - From 95 to 123 )
Keywords:لاضرراخذ به شفعهشرکاءانحصار مالکیتماده 808 قانون مدنیUsing pre-emptionPartnersExclusive ownership (monopoly of property)Prohibition of detriment (Arabic: لاضررArticle 808 of Civil Code of the Islamic Republic of Iranprinciple of harm)
Writer : تولمی، محمد تقی ؛ خلیل زاده، محمد رضا ؛ Corresponding Author : نوذری فردوسیه، محمد ؛
(26 page(s) - From 125 to 150 )
Keywords:پولارزش زمانیاعتبار فقهی و حقوقیTime valueJurisprudential and legal validityMoney
Writer : جعفری، علی ؛ Corresponding Author : شعبانی، فاطمه ؛
(30 page(s) - From 151 to 180 )
Keywords:نظم عمومینکاحباطلاخلاق حسنهشرط عدم استیلادCondition of failure of offspring (Arabic: عدم الاستیلادnot getting pregnant)MarriageAnnulmentpublic ordergood deed
Corresponding Author : دهقان، نرگس ؛ Writer : گندمکار، رضا حسین ؛ عزیزاللهی، محمدمهدی ؛
(24 page(s) - From 181 to 204 )
Keywords:مسئولیتریزتراشهکاشت ریزتراشههک ریزتراشهتعدد اسبابMultiplicity of causesMicrochipMicrochip implantMicrochip hackingliability
Writer : صفایی، سیدحسین ؛ Corresponding Author : جواهرکلام، محمدهادی ؛
(35 page(s) - From 231 to 265 )
Keywords:حوالهتبدیل تعهدانتقال دینانتقال طلبطرفین عقدرضایت محالعلیهNovation of debtSubstitution of an obligation (novation)Drawee (assignee)’s consentParties to contractbill of exchangeCession of debt
Writer : عزیزیانی، مجید ؛
(24 page(s) - From 267 to 290 )
Keywords:معاملهغیر نافذغیر قابل استنادقصد فرار از دینرای وحدت رویه 774Transactions with intending to evade the payment of debt (fraudulent conveyance or transaction in order to avoid liability) in Iran’s legal system and especially the judicial precedent have long been faced many challenges and with deleting Article1928 based on this fact that the verdict of such transactions is invalid and the mention of fictitious transaction (nominal transaction) with intending to evade the payment of debt in 1991 amendment has reached its peak and nowthere is no clear ruling on transactions with the intention of fraudulent conveyance or transaction in order to avoid liability in Iranian legal system. On the other handin the laws on how to execute financial convictions approved 19721998 and 2015 on the status of the sentence of such transactions has not been explicitly expressed by the legislator and only its resultthe possibility of the right of executing the civil rights of debtor from transferee (grantee)has been mentioned and the idea of the author is that accepting the theory of irreferable (not-referable) and adapting it to jurisprudential and judicial fundamentals can solve the present challenges. The French legal system has also accepted the abo2019 has created a great challenge for the quality of proving the crime of fraudulent conveyance or transaction in order to avoid liability. The research method by examining jurisprudentiallegal and judicial fundamentals in this article is in a descriptive analytical style with an applied method
Corresponding Author : مسجدسرائی، حمید ؛ Writer : پورلطف اله، حسن ؛ الهامی، رضا ؛
(28 page(s) - From 291 to 318 )
Keywords:ارثموصیقتلوصیت تملیکیحرمانموصیلهTestamentary disposition (testament for disposition of personal property)murderinheritancePreventionTestatorLegatee
Writer : وحدتی شبیری، سید حسن ؛ Corresponding Author : محمدی، سید باقر ؛
(24 page(s) - From 319 to 342 )
Keywords:تقصیرتعدیتفریطتوزیع مسئولیتتعدد اسبابمیزان تقصیرMultiplicity of causesExcessExtent of faultDistribution liabilitiesExcessivenessFault