Aghighi، Alireza/ 2 Article
Journal (Article count) |
Journal International Journal of Ethics and Society 2 |
Category (Article count) |
اخلاق 2 |
Language (Article count) |
English 2 |
Ranking (Article count) |
ج 2 |
Writer : Aghighi، Alireza ؛
Journal:International Journal of Ethics and Society»Spring 2020, Volume 2 - Number 2 ، ج (Ministry of Science (8 page(s) - From 11 to 18 )
Keywords:Ethical Leadershipproactive personalityEmployee EmotionsOrganizational Citizenship Behaviors.
Writer : Aghighi، Alireza ؛
Journal:International Journal of Ethics and Society»Summer 2019, Volume 1 - Number 3 ، ج (Ministry of Science (11 page(s) - From 19 to 29 )
Keywords:OpennessPsychosisConsensusConscientiousnessEthical LeadershipExtroversion