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Journals ب: 649 Title

Applied Language Studies

  • Latest issue :
    Spring 2024, Volume 16 - Issue 1
  • Company :
    University of Sistan and Baluchestan

Comparative Education

  • Latest issue :
    Autumn 2023, Volume 6 - Number4
  • Company :
    Comparative Education Society of Iran

Contemporary Researches on Islamic Revolution

  • Latest issue :
    Winter 2024, Volume 6 - Number 19
  • Company :
    University of Tehran

Critical Literary Studies

  • Latest issue :
    Autumn and Winter 2023-2024, Volume 6 - Number 1
  • Company :
    University of Kurdistan


  • Latest issue :
    Summer & Autumn 2023, Volume 28 - Number 2

Digital Content Management

  • Latest issue :
    Spring & Summer 2024, Volume 5 - Number 9
  • Company :
    Allameh Tabataba'i University

Educational Sociology

  • Latest issue :
    April 2024 - Number 32
  • Company :
    Iranian journal of educational sociology

English for Academic Purposes

  • Latest issue :
    Autumn 2023, Volume 12 - Number 4
  • Company :
    Chabahar Maritime University

Evolutionary and Educational Psychology

  • Latest issue :
    September 2024, Volume 6 - Number 3
  • Company :
    University of Hormozgan

International Journal of Ethics and Society

  • Latest issue :
    Autumn 2023, Volume 5 - Number 3
  • Company :
    Iranian Association of Ethics in Science & Technology

International Journal of Maritime Policy

  • Latest issue :
    Spring 2022, Volume 2 - Number 5
  • Company :
    Imam Khomeini Maritime Science University

Iranian Journal of Archaeological Studies

  • Latest issue :
    Winter and Spring 2023,Volume 13 - Number 1
  • Company :
    University of Sistan and Baluchestan

Iranian Journal of Finance

  • Latest issue :
    May 2022, Volume 6 - Number 3
  • Company :
    Iran Finance Association

Iranian Journal of Health Psychology

  • Latest issue :
    Winter 2024, Volume 7 - Number 1
  • Company :
    Payame Noor University

Iranian Journal of Learning and Memory

  • Latest issue :
    Summer 2023, Volume 6 - Number 22
  • Company :
    Allameh Tabataba'i University. (Pardis)

Iranian Review of Foreign Affairs

  • Latest issue :
    Winter and Spring 2022, Volume 13 - Number 1
  • Company :
    Center for Strategic Research

Journal of Contemporary Islamic Studies

  • Latest issue :
    Winter & Spring 2024, Volume 6 - Number 1
  • Company :
    University of Tehran

Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning

  • Latest issue :
    Winter 2023 - Number 32
  • Company :
    University of Tabriz

Journal of Islamic Political Studies

  • Latest issue :
    Winter and Spring 2023, Volume 5 - Issue 9
  • Company :
    Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy

Journal of Language and Translation

  • Latest issue :
    Autumn 2023, Volume 13 - Number 4
  • Company :
    Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch

Journal of Petroleum Business Review

  • Latest issue :
    Winter 2023, Volume 7 - Number 1
  • Company :
    Petroleum University of Technology

Journal of System Management

  • Latest issue :
    Spring 2024, Volume 10 - Number 2
  • Company :
    Islamic Azad University Shiraz Branch

Money and Economy

  • Latest issue :
    Fall 2022, Volume 17 - Number 4
  • Company :
    Monetary and Banking Research Institute (MBRI), Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran

New Political Economy

  • Latest issue :
    October 2023 - Number 9
  • Company :
    Shahid Beheshti University

new studies in sport management

  • Latest issue :
    Summer 2024, Volume 5 - Number 3
  • Company :
    Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman & Iranian Scientific Association of Sport Management

Research in Psychopathology

  • Latest issue :
    January 2024, Volume 5 - Number 15
  • Company :
    University of Mohaghegh Ardabili

School administration

  • Latest issue :
    Autumn 2023 - Number 26
  • Company :
    دانشگاه کردستان و انجمن مدیریت آموزشی ایران است

Sustainable Rural Development

  • Latest issue :
    May 2023, Volume 7 - Number 1
  • Company :
    Iranian Association of Geography and Rural Planning

The International Journal of Humanities

  • Latest issue :
    Autumn 2023, Volume 30 - Number 4
  • Company :
    Trabiat Modares University

Tourism, Culture and Spirituality

  • Latest issue :
    Winter and Spring 2023, Volume 6, Number 2
  • Company :
    University of Science and Culture

World Sociopolitical Studies

  • Latest issue :
    Winter 2024, Volume 8 - Number 1
  • Company :
    University of Tehran

مطالعات ترجمه

  • Latest issue :
    بهار 1403 - شماره 85

international Multidisciplinary Journal of Pure Life

  • Latest issue :
    Autumn. 2023, Volume 10 - Number 36
  • Company :
    Al-Mustafa International University


  • Latest issue :
    automne et hiver 2022, hiver2023 - Numéro 36

Political Organizing of Space

  • Latest issue :
    پاییز 1402، دوره پنجم - شماره 4
  • Company :
    دانشگاه تربیت مدرس

Recherches en langue française

  • Latest issue :
    Printemps-Été 2023 - Number 7
  • Company :
    université Allameh Tabatabaï

Revue des Études de la Langue Française

  • Latest issue :
    Automne & hiver 2022 - Number 27
  • Company :
    دانشگاه اصفهان

آفاق امنیت

  • Latest issue :
    زمستان 1402 - شماره 61
  • Company :
    دانشگاه جامع امام حسین

آمایش جغرافیایی فضا

  • Latest issue :
    پاییز 1402 - شماره 49
  • Company :
    دانشگاه گلستان

آمایش سرزمین

  • Latest issue :
    بهار و تابستان 1403 - شماره 30
  • Company :
    پردیس قم - دانشگاه تهران

آمایش محیط

  • Latest issue :
    تابستان 1403 - شماره 65
  • Company :
    دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد ملایر

آموزش و ارزشیابی

  • Latest issue :
    زمستان 1402 - شماره 64
  • Company :
    دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد تبریز

آموزه های حقوق کیفری

  • Latest issue :
    بهار و تابستان 1402- شماره 25
  • Company :
    دانشگاه علوم اسلامی رضوی

آموزه های فقه مدنی

  • Latest issue :
    بهار و تابستان 1403- شماره 29
  • Company :
    دانشگاه علوم اسلامی رضوی

آموزه های فلسفه اسلامی

  • Latest issue :
    پاییز و زمستان 1401 - شماره 31
  • Company :
    دانشگاه علوم اسلامی رضوی

آموزه های قرآنی

  • Latest issue :
    پاییز و زمستان 1402 - شماره 38
  • Company :
    دانشگاه علوم اسلامی رضوی