Fall 2011 - Number 4
Writer : Sokhanvar، Jalal ؛ Sahranavard، Neda ؛
(12 page(s) - From 3 to 14 )
Keywords:Traumatestimonytrauma narrativebodily traumaBodily HarmMargaret Atwood
Writer : Behnam، Biook ؛ Azabdaftari، Behrooz ؛ Hosseini، Ali ؛
(12 page(s) - From 15 to 26 )
Keywords:Personalizationlexical choicesfinancial spampersuasive strategiespresuppositionIslamic Azad University
Writer : Moradkhan، Dennis ؛ Mirtaheri، Samin ؛
(12 page(s) - From 41 to 52 )
Keywords:GroupTeaching styleperceptual learningvisualauditorykinesthetictactileindividual stylesPerceptual Learning StyleEFLIranIranian
Writer : Moradi، Hossein ؛
(6 page(s) - From 53 to 58 )
Keywords:absolute awarenessafterlifeinnermost beingmaterial contenttruth contentTransBenjaminBlanchotMaurice BlanchotUniversity
Writer : Saeidi، Mahnaz ؛ Rashvand Semiyari، Shokouh ؛
(10 page(s) - From 59 to 68 )
Keywords:Task Typeholistic and analytic rating methodwriting scoreG-theoryEFLTaskLanguage Testing
Writer : Razavi، Seyyed Abdollah ؛ Naghavi، Mohammad ؛
(8 page(s) - From 81 to 88 )
Keywords:global linguistic featuresglobalized communityworld EnglishesIranEIL